2022-10-04 Assassinat de Nagihan Akarsel l’une des autrices du slogan JinJiyanAzadî (kurdistan Irak) #NagihanAkarsel



Son assassin est Ismail Peker, un homme turc né à Ankara

Le jeudi 29 décembre 2022, le nom de l’assassin de Nagihan Akarsel (assassinée de 11 balles dans le cord le corps le 4 octobre 2022 a Souleimani au Kurdistan du Sud - Irak) et son lien avec la Turquie a été révélé par Zubeyir Aydar , membre du KNK (Conseil National du Kurdistan).

Il s’agit de Ismail Peker , un homme turc né à Ankara.

Aydar a déclaré que celui-ci avait confessé avoir été payé et envoyé pour assassiner Nagihan Akarsel, militante de la Jineolojî et du mouvement des femmes kurdes.


Our friend Nagihan Akarsel, Jineolojî Academy member and Jineolojî Journal Editorial Board member was martyred as a result of an armed attack in Sulaymaniyah at 9.30 this morning .

With anger and rage, we condemn this assassination, which is one of the recent political murders carried out by fascist and hegemonic powers against all women in resistance around the world .

We call on the Kurdistan Regional Government to find the perpetrators of this murder as soon as possible.

This attack is a continuation of the brutal murders against Yasin Bulut, Mehmet Zeki Çelebi and Suhel Xorşid. If this murder case is not investigated, the collaboration of the Kurdistan Regional Government will face the rage of the rising wave of our women’s revolution .

Nagihan has been active in the university youth movement, in the press and in Jineolojî efforts.

She spent a long time in the Kurdistan Women’s Freedom struggle, and resisted in prison for years for this cause. During the most difficult years of the Rojava women’s revolution, she built efforts to develop the women’s colors of the revolution and advanced revolutionary women’s enlightenment works through Jineolojî.

She did so in all of Rojava and especially in Afrin , with great courage and determination.

She touched the souls and hearts of women in Şengal (Sinjar), who experienced the most severe forms of ISIS brutality, when she conducted field research to illuminate this sociology and history.

Our Jineolojî Academy Member Nagihan Akarsel was working on the Kurdish Women’s Library and Research Center in Sulaymaniyah together with women from Southern Kurdistan.

While working with the women of Southern Kurdistan, who experienced the most severe consequences of fascism and nation-state policies, Nagihan was brutally murdered by the Turkish occupying forces.

We will forever remember Nagihan Akarsel, who has been working for decades to create the mental and intellectual power of the women’s revolution, whose slogan Jin-Jiyan-Azadî echoes around the world today.

Against the same mentality of patriarchal fascism that brutally murdered Jîna Aminî, we are growing the women’s revolution in all of Kurdistan and beyond.

We state that we will avenge our comrade Nagihan by advancing women’s enlightenment with Jineolojî, in spite of the darkness of fascism and dominant masculinity.

We call on all revolutionary, democratic, liberationist women, academics and intellectuals to condemn this political assassination.

We call on Shahnaz Ibrahim and Kafia Suleiman, and all women from Southern Kurdistan to pressure the Kurdistan Regional Government to illuminate this political murder, and to condemn this attack by joining actions to unite with the women’s revolutionary wave in the making in Rojhilat (Eastern Kurdistan) with the slogan Jin-Jiyan-Azadî .

Jineolojî Academy

October 4, 2022

Tweet de Dilar Dirik

Jin, jiyan, azadî is not a fluffy feel-good motto. It’s a philosophy developed in a four decades-old anti-colonial movement. It has consequences.

Today, a revolutionary that lived & grew this philosophy was murdered. Nagihan Akarsel’s assassination must not go unnoticed !


Tweet de starrcongress (2022-10-04)

The Kurdish women’s movement in Europe protested against in Frankfuhrt the deadly attack on #NagihanAkarsel NagihanAkarsel in Suleymaniya.

She was one of the original proponents of the #JinJiyanAzadî slogan.


Tweet de Cahîda Dêrsim

What a sad news: Kurdish female activist, academician and editor of Jineoji magazine and member of the Jineology Research Center in Silemani #NagihanAkarsel has been shot dead in front of her house this morning in the city Silemani (@kurmancirojnews) #TwitterKurds #JinJiyanAzadi

#Jineology (Jineolojî), translated as “science of women,” is a central component of the #Kurdish liberation movement and plays a major role at the institutional level, especially in the #Rojava revolution #TwitterKurds

#Jineology views women’s individual freedom as an indispensable prerequisite for the freedom of society as a whole and focuses on the study of society, history, religion, epistemology and many other areas from a woman’s perspective #NagihanAkarsel

Our assassinated friend Nagihan Akarsel on the shoulders of resisting women…. 🌹

May your light illuminate the path of the women’s liberation struggle☀️

An elegy for Nagihan Akarsel

Nagihan Akarsel, a Kurdish scholar, activist, journalist and co-founder of the feminist Jineology Research Centre, was shot dead earlier this week in an armed attack in Sulaymaniyah, Iraqi Kurdistan.

Her death, which recalls previous extrajudicial killings of Kurdish women’s activists by the Turkish intelligence services, has sparked protests in Kurdistan and around the world. Here, her friend and colleague Haskar Kırmızıgül shares some reflections on her life, work and untimely death.

The audio version is read by Rahila Gupta.

Femmes, Vie, Liberté : des kurdes montpelliérains dénoncent le meurtre d’une féministe en Irak, en écho à la révolte iranienne


Une cinquantaine de kurdes de Montpellier ont montré leur indignation dans la soirée du 5 octobre devant l’assassinat de la journaliste #NagihanAkarsel NagihanAkarsel , éditrice et co-rédactrice en chef du magasine Jineologî et membre du centre de recherche en jinéologie [NDLR : science de la libération des femmes, au Kurdistan] au Kurdistan irakien, devant son domicile à Souleymaniye le 4 octobre.

Les kurdes montpelliérains présents sur les marches de l’Opéra Comédie accusaient lors du rassemblement le régime turc de Recep Tayip Erdogan.

Ce qui paraît très probable : pour le bureau Moyen-Orient de Reporters sans frontières (RSF), « il s’agit de la cinquième attaque, dont quatre mortelles, contre un résident d’origine turque au Kurdistan irakien ou un activiste critique du gouvernement turc en moins d’un an. »

L’hommage à la victime, considérée comme une illustre militante féministe kurde, a été ponctuée des mots « Jin, Jiyan, Azadi », soit « femmes, vie, liberté » en kurde, en écho à la grande révolte qui secoue actuellement l’Iran après la mort d’une femme suite à son arrestation par la police des mœurs pour non-port du voile à Téhéran.

[NDLR : le slogan tant repris dans les manifestations iraniennes provient effectivement du mouvement féministe au Kurdistan iranien.]

L’opposition kurde au régime d’Erdogan porte un projet de société foncièrement progressiste, partiellement mis en œuvre au Rojava, le Kurdistan syrien, depuis le 17 mars 2016 : auto-détermination du peuple kurde, cohabitation avec les autres communautés ethniques et religieuses de la région, exploration profonde d’une voie vers la démocratie directe, émancipation poussée des femmes envers les carcans patriarcaux, refondation totale d’institutions traditionnellement à la botte des pouvoirs comme la police et la justice, et élaboration d’une économie coopérative tentant de dépasser le capitalisme et de répondre à l’urgence écologique.

La militante écologiste Greta Thunberg a participé à la manifestation de Stockholm condamnant le meurtre de #NagihanAkarsel


SUEDE La militante écologiste Greta Thunberg a participé à la manifestation de Stockholm condamnant le meurtre de #NagihanAkarsel, journaliste & féministe kurde assassinée par ds agents turcs (MIT) au Kurdistan d’Irak

#TwitterKurds #MahsaAmini #JinJiyanAzadi #JinaAmini

Meral Çiçek on Nagihan Akarsel and the origins of Jin, Jiyan, Azadi

At times it is hard to keep up with the fast-moving developments in the Kurdish issue, and particularly in the last three weeks this has been especially true, with Kurds in Iran taking part in general strikes, taking to the streets and in some places taking control of towns in uprisings sparked by the brutal killing of a young 22-year-old Kurdish woman, Jina Amini, by the so-called ‘morality police’ of the Iranian regime.

In fact women all over Iran, with the support of men, have poured onto the streets, ripping off their headscarves in rage and protest against the ‘compulsory hijab’ laws, with the chant, ‘Jin, Jîyan, Azadî’ ‘Woman, Life, Freedom’ in what has become the biggest challenge to the Iranian regime since the Iranian revolution of 1978/79, its outcome still unknown at this point, still being played out on the streets of Iran and East Kurdistan (Rojhilat/NW Iran) as you read this.

The leading chant of the uprisings and protests in East Kurdistan against the killing of Nagihan Akarsel has been ‘Jin, Jiyan, Azadi’ or ‘Woman, Life, Freedom’, a well-known slogan of the Rojava (West Kurdistan|) Women’s Revolution that inspired the defeat of ISIS and no doubt also inspired the women, certainly of Kurdish NW Iran but also Iranian women more widely.

But what is the origin of ‘Jin, Jiyan, Azadi’? And how have the theories born and developed in the Kurdish Women’s Freedom Movement as taught and promoted by Nagihan and her comrades, inspired or developed theories of women’s emancipation in the Middle East and beyond ?

Well, I’m very honoured and happy to be joined by Meral Çiçek.

Meral was born in 1983 in a Kurdish guest-worker family in Germany.

She started political and women’s activism at the age of 16 within the Kurdish Women’s Peace Office in Dusseldorf. While studying Political Science in Frankfurt she started to work as a reporter and editor for the only daily Kurdish newspaper in Europe, Yeni Özgür Politika, for which she still writes a weekly column.

In 2014 Meral co-founded the Kurdish Women’s Relations Office in Southern Kurdistan (Northern Iraq). She is also an editorial board member of the Jineoloji journal.

On the day of Nagihan’s funeral I invited Meral to share with us a little bit about Nagihan and her work in South Kurdistan and then asked her if she could also kindly share with us and explain the origins of the now legendary slogan, ‘Jin, Jiyan, Azadi’ that is inspiring and arguably now leading a woman’s revolution in the Middle East, and how it can be traced back directly to the ideas of the imprisoned Kurdish leader, Abdullah Öcalan and the Kurdish women’s movement within the Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK).

Meral also explained why she thought the Turkish state was pursuing a specific* strategy of targeting Kurdish women, what she thought the legacy was of these women who had been killed by the Turkish state and how best we can honour them.

Please listen to the podcast for the whole interview.